Why isn't the Law of Attraction working?

You’ve read numerous books, spent time doing online courses, been researching on google, been meditating, been visualising, been using affirmations and yet the Law of Attraction still isn’t working for you?

This can be so frustrating and when you are investing time and energy into something that does not seem to be working, you can get down heartened and end up feeling really negative about the whole process - which is the opposite of what you want to be feeling!

As you probably already know  - what we focus on expands what happens so by focusing on positive outcomes and things that we want to bring into our lives  - we effectively draw those things into our lives. This works on 2 levels. 

In terms of energy - if we are vibrating at a higher frequency and focusing our attention on positive energy and outcomes then our point of attraction will be of a higher frequency and we will be attracting like for like energy and magnetizing a similar energy towards us.


If we are thinking about the things we want to attract into our lives and truly believing that they will come into our lives - feeling the emotion that these things are already in our lives then we are effectively rehearsing for these events already having taken place and will make these events part of our lives already - in that way living that existence already and making that reality happen. 

Feeling grateful for these events or situations having happened already - feeling the emotion that these events have already happened and amplifying that will literally trick your body into believing that they have happened and hey presto - the your new destiny is set.

This all sounds relatively simple - so why doesn’t  work for so many - for most actually? The answer lies in the depths of your subconscious mind. You can do all the work you want at a conscious level and make positive shifts in your mindset and attitude, but if you have a subconscious block or blueprint or stuck energy - or are living in a stressed state then it will most likely not give you the results you want.


If you have a subconscious block or belief or blueprint about money for example  - that means that underlying all of your efforts to manifest a certain amount of money you have a belief that money is bad, or that you do not deserve money or that money will never be available to you - you will not be able to attract that to you and manifest that reality because that belief is literally getting in the way. If you feel like there is an invisible block getting in the way of you manifesting what you want then you need to work at a subconscious level to release this block. The first step is to become aware of what that block is. By using regression in hypnosis we can take you back to the root of that block or subconscious belief so that you can get a clear understanding. The understanding is the power and in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) we then work with you to let that old belief go and create a new one that works with want you want to bring into your life right now. This way you are both free to create and have increased power because you have a new subconscious belief that you can really do this.

The Law of Attraction and manifesting will also have a hard time being realised if you are trying to do this while anxious or in a stressed state. You are not in a state of creation when you are stressed, it’s just not possible because your body is on high alert and adrenalin and cortisol are keeping you in the fight, fight or freeze state. This state is there to protect us for situations where we may need the extra boost to run away from attack. Let’s say a dog is attacking us - we need that extra cortisol and adrenaline to help us run faster. 

It sounds easy to say - just relax and then start manifesting,  however so many of us are living in a state of anxiety in this current age that have nothing to do with being attacked by an animal and have become chronic states of anxiety and stress, that we don’t know how to switch it off. These states of anxiety and stress have become unconscious states and in order to manifest effectively we need to allow our body to relax. To do that we need to get to the root of what is going on so we can command our body to let go and release the belief that it needs to be in a state of fight or flight. With Rapid transformational Therapy (RTT ) we get to the root cause of what is happening at a subconscious level so that you can release this pattern and allow yourself to create from a relaxed state.


Finally, you may have stuck energy which is trapped as a result of the events from your past. This stuck energy prevents your being a clear channel for what you want to bring in - so it’s important that you also do work to clear this. Using hypnosis to identify where this is and what event created it is very powerful and we can do that with RTT, but you may also find that energy shifting work will benefit you such as Kundalini yoga, energy healing and breathwork.

When you have cleared these blocks and worked on your internal wellbeing then you are sure to have much more success with the Law of Attraction and really start creating a life that you want. We are all creators. It is something that is natural for us to do, however because of our conditioning and past experiences we have built up resistance over the course of our lives. But the good news is we can clear the way and the sooner you do that the sooner you will be getting the results you want with the Law of Attraction.

Please do get in touch to find out how I can help you with Rapid Transformational therapy for abundance blocks and helping with the Law of Attraction and/ or Law of Attraction coaching. www.charlotteferrier.com


RTT Case Study - Business success with Jen


Increase your Immunity & Reduce Anxiety through your thoughts