RTT Case Study: James, Anxiety & Depression

When James first approached me he was suffering from such bad anxiety and depression that he could barely speak. He was so anxious that he found it difficult to string a sentence together. It was possibly one of the worst cases of anxiety I have dealt with and my heart went out to him as he struggled to communicate what was going on for him. 

He had experienced a series of events in his recent past that had triggered his current situation. His partner had been abusive to him in the form of  gaslighting and had alienated his children from him. He was literally trapped in emotional pain to the extent that discussing it was almost impossible for him. He was on medication, however it was clearly not doing what it was supposed to be doing.

As a child he had experienced physical violence within the family and bullying at school, however had seemed to over come this until recent events.

He wanted to feel confident and able to socialise again. Able to be free from the medication and able to have the will to live back.

I reassured him that we would just be reviewing scenes from his past as his subconscious mind had all the answers and would guide us back to the root, the cause and the reason behind his anxiety and depression.

We regressed back to 3 scenes from his past to get to the root of the presenting issue of anxiety and depression and his subconscious mind came up with three scenes.

The first scene he was 8 years old he found himself alone. He was in trouble with his father for something trivial that he had unknowingly done. His father had a furious temper and he felt fear, helplessness, no self worth and alone.


It is so interesting how adults can expect a child to behave as an obedient adult and leave no room for age appropriateness. I see this again and again with my clients when in regression. We see this again and again in society. Children are bearing the brunt of the adults temper and their own issues - totally unaware of the long term damage they are doing in the process. 

In the second scene he was 9 years old and was being forced to eat his dinner. When he refused he was dragged upstairs and beaten. He felt disrespected, unimportant, afraid and helpless to do anything about the situation. 

In the final scene he was starting a new school and was the lead role in the play. He didn't want to play the part but was made to by the teacher and was bullied about it by the other children. He felt lost and didn’t know what to do about the situation. He felt confused and not important. 


When we looked at the connection between the scenes from his past and his anxiety and depression James told me that they all seemed the same to him and that he had a loss of control in each of the scenes that he could do nothing about. This loss of control and helplessness is very common with cases of anxiety and as James grew up in this environment of violence and bullying - he learned helplessness to be able to do anything about his situation. He literally felt trapped in his emotional pain - unable to get out.

We went deeper still and discovered that his subconscious mind had created the anxiety to try and protect him from more pain. His subconscious mind had acted like a radar  - alerted to his pain and acted to try and keep him away from more pain. The anxiety was a means to try and prepare him for that pain  - prepare him for the worst so that it would hurt less. 

When looking at his experience in this way - it made perfect sense to James what had happened. He was able to negotiate with his subconscious mind and tell it that he did not need that protection anymore. That as an adult he could protect himself from bullies and violence. 

He was able to let go of the feeling of helplessness, of being unimportant and disrespected. Feelings that had played a part in him subconsciously attracting the abusive relationship he had suffered from in his adult life too. He created new beliefs for himself in the session of courage, of being worthy of inner strength that were relevant to him in the present day. 

I then created him a powerful transformational recording that he took away with him that reinforced all of these new beliefs and enabled him to visualise himself as free, socialising happily, feeling good about himself and his life. 

When James opened his eyes after the session he looked like 10 years had been taken  off him. He had a massive smile on his face and was speaking clearly. He was so happy that it almost brought a tear to my eye.

When I caught up with James a couple of months later I asked him how he was feeling and what shifts he had felt since the session. He was a totally different person. He said that since that day he had never looked back. He didn’t suffer from anxiety or depression anymore at all, he had come off the medication and had created a new life for himself that he was feeling really positive about. He had pressed reset and was embarking on new adventures and opportunities. 

I absolutely love my work and am so grateful for Marisa Peer for sharing Rapid Transformational Therapy with the world as it literally transforms lives. People don't deserve to be living in pain like this - caused by events and people from their past. Being able to help them on their journey to freedom so that they can create a wonderful life form themselves is so rewarding and makes my heart glow when I see the changes they go through. 

I am an Advanced RTT Therapist and work as a trainer and mentor at the RTT academy as well as being an approved specialist in RTT for anxiety. Instead of living in pain - get in touch to free yourself. RTT is literally like letting go of a massive sack of baggage that you are dragging around and can finally let go off. 

With Love,

Charlotte x


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